Many, many people I work with who claim to have "hooded" eyelids usually do not. This term is misused by so many people to describe their eye shape. I'm going to give a quick run down on what they are and look like.
Actual "hooded" eyes
Firstly, "hooded" is not an eye shape. Hooded basically means eyelids that have lost elasticity and now droop down into the lash area, sometimes obstructing a person's vision if severe. Many people who describe their eyes as hooded simply have small lid space that is set deeper into the eye.
Gisele Bundchen does not have "hooded" eyes, but has very small lid space.
Those who do have hooded eyelids can have them in varying degrees and may have it on one eye more than the other. Most women will experience faster aging on one side of the face more than the other. Our gender, age, genetics, skin color, skin thickness and the side we sleep on are also contributing factors, but proper skincare and healthy habits can reduce the speed of losing elasticity. Eventually we all will lose elasticity as apart of age, this cannot be avoided.